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Exchange of Notes Between Canada and Denmark Modifying the Exchange of Notes of September 22 and October 14, 1949 Concerning Visas

E102527 - CTS 1958 No. 18


The Ambassador of Denmark to Canada to the Secretary of State for External Affairs


OTTAWA, July 14, 1958

No. 7

The Honourable
The Secretary of State for External Affairs,
Department of External Affairs,


On behalf of my Government and with reference to a Convention between Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden, signed on July 12, 1957 abolishing passport control at the internordic boundaries, I have the honour to propose that article 1 of the Agreement effected by the exchange of Notes of September 22 and October 14, 1949, regarding visa requirements for Danish and Canadian citizens be revised to provide as follows:

    1. Canadian citizens who are bona fide non-immigrants in possession of valid national passports, and who enter Denmark from a country which is not a party to the above Convention, may, without previously obtaining Danish visas, visit Denmark for periods each not exceeding three consecutive months less the period or periods of stay in one or more of the Nordic countries during the six month period immediately prior to the entry into Denmark;
    2. Canadian citizens who are bona fide non-immigrants in possession of valid national passports, and who enter Denmark from a country which is a party to the above Convention, may, without previously obtaining Danish visas, visit Denmark for periods of three months less the period or periods of stay in one or more of the Nordic countries during the six month period immediately prior to entry into Denmark;
    3. Canadian citizens under (a) above who desire to extend their visits to Denmark beyond the three month period and Canadian citizens under (b) who, upon entry to Denmark or during their period of stay in Denmark, reach a combined period of stay in all Nordic countries of three months dating from the six month period prior to entry to Denmark, shall apply for visitor’s permits in Denmark.

If the Canadian Government is agreeable to the above proposal, I have the honour to suggest that this Note and your reply to that effect shall constitute an amendment to the Agreement of September 22 and October 14, 1949 between our two Governments regarding visa requirements. This amending Agreement shall be effective from May 1, 1958; Canadian citizens, however, who have entered Denmark before the said date, may stay in Denmark for three months.

Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

John Knox

Royal Danish Ambassador to Canada


The Secretary of State for External Affairs to the Ambassador of Denmark to Canada


OTTAWA, July 14, 1958

No. 20

His Excellency John Knox,
Ambassador of Denmark
Ottawa, Canada


I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your Excellency’s Note No. 7 of July 14, 1958, proposing an amendment to the Agreement of September 22 and October 14, 1949, between Canada and Denmark regarding visa requirements for Canadian and Danish Citizens.

I have the honour to inform you that the proposals contained in your Note under reference are acceptable to the Canadian Government and to confirm that your Note and this reply constitute an Agreement between our two Governments amending the Agreement of September 22 and October 4, 1949, with effect from May 1, 1958.

Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.

Sidney Smith

Secretary of State for External Affairs

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